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- Rules
We are delighted to welcome you as a new member of this happy society and we hope you will enjoy your allotment. You will already have received the conditions of tenancy but we hope these few notes will help you to get started.
1 DJAS Website
- Our website address is djallotments.org.uk
- A copy of our constitution can be found here.
- Please send us any photographs you would like to share with other plotholders.
2 The Shed
We are all able to make use of the shed, especially if there are showers to contend with. Inside the shed there are some tools available for everyone’s use including a lawn mower, a strimmer and a wheelbarrow. If you need to learn how to use them please ask a committee member.
- Committee members’ names and plot numbers can be found on the notice board at the front of the shed.
- To access the shed:
- The key is in a key safe on the front of the shed. You should have been given the access number when you took on your plot but if not please ask another plotholder.
- Line up the numbers as indicated and the front of the safe will fall forward. After use please return the key to the safe and scramble the numbers again.

3 Gates

The first gate, by the road, needs to be kept locked at all times*. The inner gate may be left open while people are on their plots, but the last person to leave must ALWAYS lock the inner and outer* gates, whatever the time of day. This is for our own safety and security.
* unless notified otherwise
4 Keys
If you lose your key please ask a committee member for a replacement at a cost of £5.00. Please do not have copies made yourself as they often don’t work in the locks. We only have a limited number of keys so if you give up your plot your key must be returned to the committee as soon as possible.
5 Water
Help yourself to water, whenever needed, from the troughs provided but please don’t wash anything in them. We like to keep the water as clean as possible. The cost of the water is included in your annual charge. The water will be turned off in the winter. No hosepipes are allowed on site.

6 Manure
Manure from local stables is sometimes delivered in piles to the car parking area. Please feel free to use this as required.
7 Bonfires

We are unable to have bonfires on site.
8 Livestock
We are unable to keep livestock of any kind on our plots.
9 Parking
Please only park your car on the grass verge alongside the fence. Cars must not be left in any other areas as farm vehicles need access to the fields at all times.
10 Dogs
Dogs are not allowed on site at any time.

11 Plot holder registration
Although we all welcome help on our plots from family and friends occasionally, the plot must be registered in the name of the main plotholder. i.e. the person who attends the plot most frequently and resides within the parish.
12 Notice Board
Feel free to use the notice board on the shed for anything you think would be useful to other plotholders.
13 First Aid

There is a first aid kit in the shed for emergencies. Please note that the society will do their best to keep it stocked up but take no responsibility for doing so. There will also be some bottled drinking water in the shed for emergency use only. Please replace anything you may need to use.
14 Paths
Looking from the main car parking area, the path to the right of your plot needs to be kept tidy, as does the area to the front of your plot. This is necessary to enable other plot holders to gain access to their plots and will help to keep our site looking tidy.
Due to the generosity of some members, main paths will be mowed at some points throughout the season. If you feel you can help with mowing it would be greatly appreciated.
15 Weeds
Please either compost your weeds or take them home with you. Weeds must not be left in the hedgerows or any other area of the site.
16 Working parties
Working parties are held occasionally. It is important that we all help out occaissionally in keeping the allotments and road in best condition. Please help out when possible
17 Tool stores
If you require a store for your tools on your plot, please keep its size to a minimum. The maximum height of a store is 1.5m. This measurement has been set by the Parish Council and no exceptions can be made. If in doubt please ask the committee before purchasing a store. Please note that all stores must be painted or stained in a neutral colour to blend in with the surroundings.

18 Trees
Dwarf trees, with a maximum height of 2.4m are welcome on our plots. However, care must be taken to avoid loss of light to neighbouring plots.
19 Rents

Payment is due on or before the AGM which is held in March. You will be reminded of this via email at the beginning of March. However, if payment hasn’t been received by the last day of March it will be assumed that you no longer wish to rent your plot and it will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.
20 NSALG – National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners
All members are automatically enrolled with the NSALG. This is an organisation which supports allotment holders. They provide quarterly magazines which offer advice about the upkeep of your plot, details of their meetings and special offers. The magazines are kept in the shed. Please feel free to borrow one and return it to the shed.
For further details follow this link. Please contact a committee member for logon details
21 Tamworth Allotment Shop
There is an allotment shop where most appropriate things are available at a reasonable cost (much cheaper than garden centres.) For more information, follow this link.
22 Social events
You will always be most welcome to attend any social events planned by the committee. Please look out for the notices pinned to the gates. Family and friends will normally be welcome

23 Leaving your plot
If for any reason in the future you decide to give up your plot please give as much notice as possible. This will enable the plot to be passed on to someone else in a reasonable condition. Please make sure you have removed any possessions and waste from your plot before your finishing date. All keys must be handed back to the committee as soon as possible.
24 Your committee
Committee meetings are held approximately every 6 weeks. If you have any ideas or concerns please let a committee member know and it will be discussed at the next meeting. If anyone would like to attend a meeting please let us know and you will be made welcome. If you would like to get involved in the running of our allotments, committee membership is agreed at our AGM which is held in March.
25 Privacy notice policy
We only retained the minimal contact details necessary to administer notices and
communication about the allotments and renewal forms. For our complete privacy notice
policy please refer to our website.
26 And finally . . .

Please feel free to ask more experienced members for advice and please share any thoughts you may have about improving our society.
We welcome you to the Diamond Jubilee Allotment Society and hope you will get as much pleasure out of your plot as we do.
Updated: 28 April 2018