The lawnmowers have been mended. We have also purchased 2 more lawnmowers to be used only by committee members. You can still use the older lawnmowers.
Social 7Sept 3pm
End of Summer Social 7th of September 3pm
A wine and cheese social has been planned for 3pm on Sept 7th at the allotments by the shed. It has been over four years since we have had a social event. There has been such a turnover of allotmenteers that it is time that we had a get-together. Allotmenteers and family are welcomed.
Bring any other food/drink you might want to have or share. We hope you will be able to join us then.
NOTE: We will cancel if the weather forecast for Saturday show adverse weather on Friday. We will then send out another email with an alternative date.
Spud U Like (not)
This is, I guess, the result of leaving them in the ground too long. Rocket (1st early) should have been harvested early to mid-June but I only got around to it yesterday. Not even a big crop and then I had to throw 80% away. Live & learn, live & learn. Ugh!!
A Winter’s Tale – 4 months on
Here’s an update to the planned planting I detailed back in early February. A bit of a mix really but it’s fair to say that not everything has gone according to plan . . .
You may recall I had two planting areas planned. A garden patch, and my allotment. So far so good
First the garden patch. I had planted as per plan but soon noticed a wild rabbit in the garden. How did he/she get in? Next day, all the leaves on my runner/french beans had been stripped. So, I found where I thought the critter gained access and bricked it up. I sowed replacement beans direct into the soil and taking no chances, I netted everything. After several weeks of zero rabbit sightings and a need to weed, I removed the netting. All was well for a few weeks. The photo opposite (taken just two days ago) shows beans in the foreground, with tomatoes, raddish, lettuce and herbs behind. I kid you not, the very next day, the beans (nothing else) had all been stripped bare and two fat pidgeons were the culprits. Caught in the act. It seems the rabbit got a bad press. So, back to square one but apparently it’s not too late to sow again.
As for the allotment patch, one idea was to plant dwarf apple trees. Perhaps I should have looked at the price beforehand! So, instead I opted for raspberry canes as seen in the foreground. Looks like one is dying but the others seem to have taken. My leaks are unlikely to withstand a moderate sneeze and none of my lavender/foxglove pollinators have taken hold. Just don’t seem to have much luck when seeding directly in the ground.
Overgrown plots
We know that the weather has not been conducive to being at the allotment. For those of you working full-time, it might be a struggle to find a good time when the weather is suitable to go to the allotments. Hence we are seeing a lot of plots that have been left unattended and are overgrown with weeds.
A reminder – you must try to work your plot at least 50%. Please cover up sections of your plot that you are not tending to. If plots are left too long unattended we will request that you consider giving up your plot and try again when you have more time. We do have a waiting list for the plots. Please contact us if you are struggling in anyway and would require assistance with covering your plot or weed killing it.