1. Name
The society shall be called The Diamond Jubilee Allotment Society.
2. Objects
The objects of the Society shall be the management of the Society’s Allotment site in the Parish of Shenstone.
3. Membership
Election to Membership shall be at the discretion of the Committee. A plot holder shall automatically become a member of the Society and shall retire from being a member on ceasing to be a plot holder or unless the Committee shall so decide.
4. Rent
The annual rent shall be determined from time to time by the Committee and shall be due on joining the Society and thereafter annually on the 25th March. Rent shall include a Members Subscription unless the Committee shall decide otherwise.
5. Resignation
A member shall cease to be a member is he gives written notice to the Society of his resignation.
6. Termination of Tenancy
The Committee shall have the power to terminate a members tenancy when, in their opinion, it would not be in the interests of the Society for him/her to remain a member. A member will be given written details of the complaint made against him/her. A member shall be entitled to make written representation in response thereto. A member’s tenancy can also be terminated if there is no response to a written communication within the time frame given.
7. Officers and Committee
(a) The Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and other elected members;
(b) The Officers and Committee Members shall be proposed, seconded and elected at the Annual General Meeting each year and shall remain in office until their successors are elected at the next Annual General Meeting. The Committee may fill any vacancy occurring by resignation or otherwise. Retiring Officers and members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election;
(c) Committee Meetings shall be held at least 6 times a year and the quorum of those meetings shall be three. The Chairman and Secretary shall have discretion to call further meetings of the Committee if they consider it to be in the interests of the Society. Decisions of the Officers and Committee shall be made by a simple majority and in the event of equality of votes, the Chairman (or the acting Chairman of that meeting) shall have a casting or additional vote. The Secretary, or in his/her absence a member of the Committee, shall take minutes;
(d) In addition to the Officers and members so elected the Committee may co-opt further members of the Society who shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting. Co-opted members shall be entitled to vote at the meetings of the Committee;
(e) The Committee may from time to time appoint from among their number such sub-Committees, as they may consider necessary. All sub-Committees shall periodically report their proceedings to the Committee and shall conduct their business in accordance with the directions of the Committee;
(f) Shall be responsible for the management of the Society. The Committee shall have power to enter into contracts for the purposes of the Society on behalf of all members of Society;
(g) The Officers and Members of the Committee shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the Society for all expenses and other liabilities properly incurred by them in the management of the affairs of the Society;
(h) The Committee may elect any person as an honorary member of the Society for such period as they think fit and shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership except that they shall not be entitled to vote at meetings and serve as Officers or on the Committees.
8. Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held each year not later than the 25th March;
9. Special General Meeting
The Committee stating the purposes for which the meeting is required and resolutions proposed may call a Special General Meeting at any time.
10. Procedure at the AGM and SGM
(a) The Secretary shall use his/her best endeavours to send to each member written or e-mail notice of the date of the Annual General Meeting at least thirty days before the meeting;
(b) The quorum for the Annual and Special General Meetings shall be 10;
(c) The Chairman, or in his absence a member selected by the Committee, shall take the Chair. Each member present shall have one vote and a simple majority shall pass resolutions. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting or additional vote;
(d) The Secretary or in his/her absence a member of the Committee shall take minutes at Annual and Special Meetings.
11. Alteration of the Rules
The rules may be altered by a majority vote of the members at the Annual General Meeting.
12. Agreements
The Committee shall have the power to make, repel and amend such Agreements, as they may from time to time consider necessary for the well being of the Society.
13. Finance
(a) All monies payable to the Society shall be received by the Treasurer and deposited in a Bank or Building Society Account in the name of the Society. No sum shall be drawn from that account except by cheque authorised by two of three signatories comprising the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Any monies not required for immediate use may be invested as the Committee in their discretion think fit;
(b) The income and property of the Society shall be applied only in furtherance of the objects of the Society and no part thereof shall be paid by way of bonus, dividend or profit to any members of the Society;
(c) The Committee shall have the power to authorise payment of remuneration and expenses to any Officer, Member or employee of the Society and to any other person, or persons for services rendered to the Society;
(d) The financial transactions of the Society shall be recorded in such manner as the Committee think fit by the Treasurer.
14. Borrowing
(a) The Committee may borrow money on behalf of the Society for the purposes of the Society from time to time at their discretion for the general up keep of the Society or for any other expenditure, additions or improvements;
(b) The Committee shall have no power to pledge the personal liability of any Member of the Society for the repayment of any sum so borrowed.
15. Other Assets
Any assets purchased by the Society, sheds, lawnmowers, strimmers, etc are held for the benefit of all members of the Society.
16. Insurance
The Society is responsible for providing minimum public liability insurance for the site.
17. Dissolution
(a) A resolution to dissolve the Society shall only be proposed at a Special General Meeting and shall be carried by a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present;
(b) The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the members of the Committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the Society;
(c) Any property remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Society shall be divided equally among the members of the Society at the date of dissolution.