Category Archives: Lifestyle

Spud U Like (not)

By | July 7, 2024

This is, I guess, the result of leaving them in the ground too long. Rocket (1st early) should have been harvested early to mid-June but I only got around to it yesterday. Not even a big crop and then I had to throw 80% away. Live & learn, live & learn. Ugh!!

A Winter’s Tale

By | February 5, 2024

Winter is the time for us allotmenteers to sit back, relax, but most importantly, plan. So we’re told. Saw this interesting article in the newspaper that is worth a look (click right) if only to try to ‘connect’ to this seemingly dormant period of the growing season.  And a neat video I found via the National… Read More »

Bean and gone

By | May 13, 2023

So, I usually start my runner beans off in trays in my south-facing back garden. But this year, hardly any have come through. Have I watered too much, or not enough? Are my beans ‘old’? Do bean seeds (or any seeds) have a lifespan after which they aren’t any good? I truly don’t know but… Read More »

It begins . . . .

By | April 4, 2023

2023 Season: After several weeks of chitting, seed potatoes are in. Two rows of 10 each Pentland Javelin for harvesting Jun/Jul, and 3 rows of 9 each Desiree for harvesting Sep/Oct. Also planted some onion sets. Several dozen in fact as last years crop lasted all through the winter (Sturon and Red Onion). Next up:… Read More »