Author Archives: admin

What even is mulch?

By | April 22, 2024

Came across this article in the Guardian the weekend that, though not specifically allotment related, has some good tips you might find useful. I did. As the article says, it answers 27 of the most basic gardening questions from “What kind of soil do I have?” to “Should I pick up slugs and throw them… Read More »

Empty your compost bins

By | March 25, 2024

Came across this short but useful column in the Guardian over the weekend on how to use your compost effectively, including answers to questions such as when, how, and what to use it for (may seem obvious). Also, seed sowing tips worth a read. Click on the image opposite.

Locking Good!

By | March 15, 2024

Welcome improvements to the toilet have been spotted. The outside latch on the toilet door has been fixed so that a brick is no longer required to keep it shut, but more importantly, the ‘engaged’ privacy lock has been replaced with a smooth operating green/red indicator mechanism. A sensor operated light has also been installed… Read More »

Neat & Tidy

By | August 21, 2023

Looks like the committee have been hard at work. The tall grasses and weeds either side of the fence have been cut-back. Not a quick job but it looks brilliant. So neat and tidy.

Fencing refurb

By | May 13, 2023

The perimeter fencing to the allotment, that was looking a bit tired and unstable, has been fortified with the addition of 100 new posts inserted in between each of the original posts. These posts have a 15yr guarantee which is pretty good considering they are literally out in all weathers, so they should be good… Read More »