Category Archives: Tips

What even is mulch?

By | April 22, 2024

Came across this article in the Guardian the weekend that, though not specifically allotment related, has some good tips you might find useful. I did. As the article says, it answers 27 of the most basic gardening questions from “What kind of soil do I have?” to “Should I pick up slugs and throw them… Read More »

Empty your compost bins

By | March 25, 2024

Came across this short but useful column in the Guardian over the weekend on how to use your compost effectively, including answers to questions such as when, how, and what to use it for (may seem obvious). Also, seed sowing tips worth a read. Click on the image opposite.

Extreme Heat

By | July 14, 2022

UK Met Office has issued warnings of extreme heat for Sunday 17Jul, and Monday/Tuesday when it will be exceptionally hot, leading to widespread impacts on people and infrastructure. So be warned. Useful tips on how to identify heatstroke can be found here, and a reminder from Wm Wheat & Sons that these are the lazy,… Read More »

Top jobs

By | August 1, 2021

Well here we are, full circle. My first post with ideas for allotment jobs was posted 12 months ago . . . August 2020. As nothing much changes in the allotment year, rather that re-post, I have created a page accessible from the main menu (Allotmenteers > Monthly Jobs) that has an introduction to all… Read More »