Category Archives: Tips

July: top jobs

By | July 1, 2021

Midsummer. Generally regarded as the warmest month of the year. Produce will be readily available now with early potatoes, garlic, onions, carrots, turnips and a host of salad including radishes and outdoor tomatoes. Keep on top of weeds with regular hoeing. Water to prevent bolting. Mulching will help. Peas and brassicas should be netted to… Read More »

June: top jobs

By | June 1, 2021

All the books say (that’s my get-out clause) that there is very little likelihood of a frost now, so any tender indoor seedlings can be moved outside. Seeds can also be planted directly into the warmer soil. Broad beans should be ready to harvest and, from the end of the month, early potatoes – can’t… Read More »

May: top jobs

By | May 2, 2021

Seedlings should be hardened off and planted once the ground is warm enough. All seed potatoes should be in by now. Keep young plants well-watered and don’t forget to weed. Construct runner/climbing bean frames. Put straw (or strawberry mats or even polythene sheeting) underneath strawberries to keep the fruits off the ground, and try to… Read More »

April: top jobs

By | April 1, 2021

“April showers bring May flowers”. After all that hard work, the preparation is complete; seedlings are shooting; plots are ready; days are longer; and the weather is warmer . . . all systems are GO March may well be the transition month from Winter to Spring, but to be sure, there are bound to be… Read More »

March: top jobs

By | March 1, 2021

The weather might look inviting, but winter is far from over. Hard frosts, snow and cold winds are just as likely as mild sunny days this month. Some suggestions below but for more ideas, take a look at the National Allotment Society.