First month of summer, or last month of spring? Your choice but above all else, be aware of frost. I lost all my runner beans in May last year. Having said that, if mild weather, now would be the time to sow outdoors. Some suggestions below but for more ideas, take a look at the National Allotment Society.

- Seedlings should be hardened off and planted once the ground is warm enough.
- All seed potatoes should be in by now.
- Keep young plants well-watered and don’t forget to weed.
- Construct runner/climbing bean frames.
- Put straw (or strawberry mats or even polythene sheeting) underneath strawberries to keep the fruits off the ground, and try to avoid watering from above as it can cause mildew.
Remember, keep an eye on the weather and protect tender plants with fleece, cloches or even newspaper if a frost looks likely.