“April showers bring May flowers”.
After all that hard work, the preparation is complete; seedlings are shooting; plots are ready; days are longer; and the weather is warmer . . . all systems are GO

March may well be the transition month from Winter to Spring, but to be sure, there are bound to be some frosts to come. I lost all my Runner Beans last year because I was too eager, and two days too early planting them out – and that was the end of May, so April will undoubtedly have a few tricks up its sleeve.
Lots of jobs for April, but my top job would be to plant all seed potatoes before the end of the month. Be sure to cover (earth up) any shoots that appear, else Jack Frost will have them. Onion sets too, should be planted this month.
So much to do, so why not pop-along to the National Allotment Society website for more (and better) suggestions.