UK Met Office has issued warnings of extreme heat for Sunday 17Jul, and Monday/Tuesday when it will be exceptionally hot, leading to widespread impacts on people and infrastructure.
So be warned. Useful tips on how to identify heatstroke can be found here, and a reminder from Wm Wheat & Sons that these are the lazy, hazy days of summer.
On the other hand, allotments need watering. And lots of it. Watering by hand can be onerous and time consuming as this interesting 10min YouTube video reveals with some useful tips. She even has a polytunnel (not sure it will be needed this weekend).
You can also try buddying up with a friend, or neighbouring plot holder to take turns watering each others plot. I do.
So, be careful if attending your plot in the coming days. Hats and suncream definitely required.
- Be sure to take drinking water
- Don’t work to exhaustion
- Take regular breaks
- Set achievable goals (and don’t exceed them)
- Listen to your body