AGM 14March
Save the date for Tuesday March 14th at 7:00pm at the Stonnall Community Centre, Stonnall. We welcome all to come and to give their thoughts on the allotments. We will send out the financial report and the AGM minutes closer to the day.
Save the date for Tuesday March 14th at 7:00pm at the Stonnall Community Centre, Stonnall. We welcome all to come and to give their thoughts on the allotments. We will send out the financial report and the AGM minutes closer to the day.
Don’t forget the allotment AGM next Tuesday March 22 at 7:30pm at the Richard Cooper Room, Shenstone.
Save the date for Tuesday March 22 at 7:30pm at the Richard Cooper Room, Shenstone. We haven’t had an AGM since 2019, so we welcome all to come and to give their thoughts on the allotments. We will send out the financial report and the AGM minutes closer to the day.
Following COVID rules, we have not had an AGM this year, however, the annual report along with audited accounts are now available. Links to download these are embedded in this month’s April Newsletter delivered to all plot holders via email.